A downloadable game for Windows

This is a fan-made version of Halo Infinite.  It is not fully complete and more things will possibly be added in future updates.


Halo Infinite v1.10.rar 3 GB

Development log


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really good and beautiful but i had 7 fps lol

how are you supposed to play, because I only get a blank sheet on notepad

im so exited to play

I think I've found a glitch where the master chief (I'm assuming lol) can fly through the map. To do so, you look at the ground and spam G and Spacebar. But tbh it's so satisfying to do so.

Anyway, the lighting looks phenomenal. It has an unearthly eerie vibe to it. You did a pretty good job there. Cheers. 🍺

(1 edit) (-1)

my pc is too bad to run this

rip my gtx1050ti

oh and you need more than 4gb of vram to run this

i have 0.1 gb of vram lol

i have rtx 3080 and intel core i7 and 34gb ram is that   enough?

No dude sorry

Joke or surious?

Cuz i wanna know if i can run it and (i think) my specs should be able to run it right?

I thought YOU were joking.  You have literally the best specs imaginable.

But cost only 1000 dollar🤓

same bro. i cant play it too XD


I'm getting an error when trying to open the .rar file, how come?


still still waiting


Still waiting for it lol :))))

how are other people playing this but i don't know how because I see some people are on YouTube posting about this on vids so how can they play it but we cant. can someone please explain


they probably paid him

we still waiting f


try compressing it alot or a link to  download site

How do I play it?

It's at it's upload limit you can't yet



I dunno it seems kinda finite to me tho


Can't wait to play it, don't make the wait "infinite"


why on hold


He's probably still working on it.

it's over the upload limit so he can't upload it yet

Yeah I know I read the description and saw.


can't wait to play halo: finite 


Finite LMAO